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SoulPrima.Love Classes & Membership Circle


Hello Sweet Prima Lovely!

I’d like to invite you to join our new SoulPrima Circle membership community, available at SoulPrima.Love, a Mighty Networks private community.

We're bringing the magic of our sweet crystals community into a bigger love bubble, where we can dive deep into heart conversations, and learn some wonderful spiritual tools and rituals to support us in coming home to our truest selves. We are creating our SoulPrima Circle as a sacred space of support and loving connection. Monthly class topics will explore spiritual & emotional wellness. We'll do some fun activities like manifesting with crystals and spell jars. We'll do guided meditation journeys where we connect with our guardian angel and other members of our Sacred Love Team, to receive healing energy and support. We'll have time for group coaching, Q&As, and personalized course content with both recorded and live class sessions. We'll bring our tears and our silliness, and our fellow Primas will cherish them both equally. Welcome my lovelies, to something very special. I'm so honored to share your journey.

CLICK HERE for more info about SoulPrima.Love


You can also join our Instagram community and weekend live sale broadcasts here: